Ledger Management

Arrears solutions or Early out calling

RML provides a comprehensive debt management facility through our NZ based call centre operation.

The debt management professionals employed by RML have been trained in managing accounts that are in arrears but not yet deemed to be at a debt collection stage.

Our staff will manage your debt ledger as if they were working in your office for you.

We provide customer care while encouraging your customers to pay within the terms and conditions of your business relationship with them.

This type of ‘early out call’ can be completed either by us representing your business or under our own RML banner.

The features and benefits of outsourcing this part of your recovery activity are wide and varied but include:

  • Earlier identification of disputes which results in enhanced customer relations.
  • Removes the very manual and time consuming job of contacting problem accounts freeing your staff to concentrate on other more important aspects of your business.
  • An unconstrained service delivery will result in a standardisation of processes and reduction in costs.


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